Sulawesi Tenggara Poor Population Percentage on September 2018 decrease to 11.32 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Utara Regency

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Sulawesi Tenggara Poor Population Percentage on September 2018 decrease to 11.32 percent

Release Date : January 23, 2019
File Size : 0.33 MB


  • The number of poor people (population with per capita expenditure per month below the Poverty Line) in Southeast Sulawesi in September 2018 was 301.85 thousand people (11.32 percent), a decrease of 5.25 thousand people compared to the conditions in March 2018 which amounted to 307 , 10 thousand people (11.63 percent).
  • During the period March - September 2018, the poor population in rural areas decreased by 8.9 thousand people, while in urban areas there were 3.6 thousand people.
  • During the period March - September 2018, the percentage of poor people decreased by 0.31 points, from 11.63 percent to 11.32 percent.
  • In September 2018, the percentage of poor people in urban areas was 6.87 percent, up 0.31 points against March 2018 (6.56 percent). While in rural areas in September 2018 the percentage of poor people was 14.07 percent, down 0.70 points against March 2018 (14.77 percent).
  • During the period March - September 2018, the Poverty Line rose by 4.32 percent, which is from Rp. 303,618, - per capita per month in March 2018 to Rp. 316,729, - per capita per month in September 2018.
  • In the period March - September 2018, the Poverty Depth Index (P1) and Poverty Severity Index (P2) in urban areas increase while in rural areas it decreases. This indicates that the average expenditure of the poor in rural areas tends to be closer to the poverty line and the inequality of expenditure of the poor is also getting smaller / narrower while in urban areas the opposite is true.
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