Tiwu Subdistrict In Figures 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Utara Regency

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Publication of Kolaka Utara Regency in Figure 2024 has been Published, Available here || Currently the Statistics-Kolaka Utara Regency Integrated Statistics Services (PST) serves from 08.00 to 16.00 WITA every working day || Requests for Map Of Wilkerstat/Micro Data can be made via the following link CLICK HERE || if you want to carry out an online statistical consultation, you can do it by CLICK HERE

Tiwu Subdistrict In Figures 2015

Catalog Number : 11020017408
Publication Number : 74080.1508
Release Date : November 20, 2015
File Size :  MB


Tiwu Subdistrict in Figures 2015 is Series Publication, published annually. This publication presents data from various fields with descriptive analyses and technical notes for each sector. The publication is aimed at providing general picture of geographic and climate, socio-economic characteristics of the population as well as economic trends of subdistrict. Tiwu subdistrict in figures 2015, presents the most current comprehensive information, with most of the tables outlay the 2014 data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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