TPK Star Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2018 recorded an increase of 5.89 points - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Utara Regency

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TPK Star Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2018 recorded an increase of 5.89 points

Release Date : June 5, 2018
File Size : 0.26 MB


Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of Star Hotels in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2018 was recorded 54.29 percent or an increase of 5.89 points compared to the state budget of March 2018 which recorded 48.40 percent.
Hotel Star Bedding Rate April 2018 was recorded 54.61 percent or decreased by 1.35 points compared to March 2018 which recorded 55.96 percent.
The average length of stay of foreign and domestic guests (domestic) Star Hotels in Southeast Sulawesi Province April 2018 is 1.64 days or decreased by 0.06 days compared to March 2018 recorded 1.70 days.
The number of domestic air passenger passengers in April 2018 was recorded at 183,259 people, up 4.41 percent compared to the previous month which recorded 175.527 people.
The number of domestic sea transport passengers in April 2018 was recorded at 293,569 people or up 12.88 percent compared to the previous month which recorded 260,082 people.
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